Penn Calendar Penn A-Z School of Arts and Sciences University of Pennsylvania


Apr 6, 2021

View the video here.

EDUARDO BONILLA-SILVA (Sociology and African & African American Studies, Duke University)
ASHLEY JARDINA (Political Science, Duke University)
WALTER BENN MICHAELS (English, University of Illinois at Chicago)
HADASS SILVER (Political Science, University of Pennsylvania)

Mar 30, 2021

SAMANTHA STEIN was a Health and Societies major and a 2019-20 Mitchell Center Undergraduate Research Fellow. Now that she has entered graduate school, the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship supports her ongoing research on the federal Exception from Informed Consent (EFIC). This is used to waive consent for greater-than-minimal-risk emergency medical research. This research builds on a project initiated for her undergraduate thesis and developed during her Mitchell Center Fellowship year.

Feb 4, 2021

View the video here.

The Center for the Advanced Study of India and the Andrea Mitchell Center for the Study of Democracy present: