Penn Calendar Penn A-Z School of Arts and Sciences University of Pennsylvania

Penn Political Union Debates

THE PENN POLITICAL UNION (PPU) is an undergraduate organization formed in 2014 that features parliamentary-style deliberation on urgent contemporary issues. Student-led in conjunction with the Andrea Mitchell Center, it represents a wide spectrum of political opinion. The goal of PPU, in both debates and less formal discussions, is to fully represent political diversity while maintaining civility and openness to other outlooks.

The Andrea Mitchell Center is proud to sponsor the PPU debates, now expanded to include events featuring prominent public figures from journalism, politics, public policy, and academia. As with all Mitchell Center events, the PPU debates typically are open to the public and there will usually be opportunity for active participation in the discussion by members of the audience not affiliated with student-led groups.



Events Archive

University Values: Free Speech, DEI, and Independence

Conversation with Representative Martina White

Select students on Penn's campus had the opportunity to meet with Representative Martina White to discuss key issues such as antisemitism, free speech, and local crime. Martina provided helpful feedback and described her responsibilities and day-to-day in her role as she works to tackle these issues. 

Free Speech: Rights & Wrongs with Nadine Strossen

 Wednesday, November 6th, 7:00pm

Legal scholar and civil rights activist Nadine Strossen discusses the most challening questions about free speech on campus.

Lecture by Angel Eduardo

Wednesday, October 16th, 7:00pm

Lecture by Angel Eduardo: Angel is FIRE's senior writer and editor as well as former managing director of messaging and editorial for the Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism (FAIR). He is best known for creating the rhetorical concept of star-manning.

Congressman Ro Khanna and Attorney General Candidate Eugene DePasquale

Thursday, October 10th, 8:30pm

The Andrea Mitchell Center, in partnership with the Government and Politics Association & Penn Dems, is pleased to welcome Congressman Ro Khanna (CA-17) and PA Attorney General Candidate Eugene DePasquale to Penn.

Life After Capitalism: In Defense of Socialism

Wednesday, September 18, 7:00pm - 8:30pm

Peter Frase is an editorial board member of Jacobin magazine, as well as the author of Four Futures: Life After Capitalism (2016). In his book, Peter Frase argues that technological advancements and environmental threats will inevitably push our society beyond capitalism, and Four Futures imagines just how this might look. Extrapolating possible futures from current changes the world is now experiencing, and drawing upon speculative fictions to illustrate how these futures might be realized, Four Futures examines communism, rentism, socialism, and exterminism—or in other words, the socialisms we may reach if a resurgent Left is successful and the barbarisms we may be consigned to if those movements fail.

Is Capitalism Working?


Wednesday, September 11, 7:00pm - 8:30pm

Join the PPU for the first debate of the year.

NSO Student Debate: the 2024 Edition

Saturday, August 24, 12:00pm - 1:30pm

Join GPA, Penn's premier non-partisan student organization, as they invite Penn College Republicans and PennDems to debate their takes on the upcoming 2024 election. Meet current members and learn more about getting involved with politics at Penn!

GPA Spring '24 All-Parties Debate

Wed, April 10, 6:30pm to 8:00pm

Perelman Center for Political Science and Economics

The Mitchell Center and the Penn Government and Politics Association (GPA) hosts this debate among student political parties on a wide array of topics including: gun control, abortion, immigration, and foreign relations. The participating parties are the PENN DEMOCRATS, the PENN COLLEGE REPUBLICANS, and PENN FOR LIBERTY.

The GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS ASSOCIATION is Penn’s largest political organization. Devoted to non-partisan and balanced dialogue, the organization does not adopt positions on political issues; we leave it to our participants to make up their own minds. The group is divided into three main branches: the Polybian Society, the Penn Political Union, and the Penn Political Review. In addition, the organization conducts events with politicians and professors of all political leanings.

Two Dads Defending Democracy Tour: Bridging the Gap During Devisive Times

Mon, March 25, 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
Perelman Center for Political Science and Economics

Joe Walsh, a former U.S. Representative from Illinois, and Fred Guttenberg, a businessman-turned-activist following his daughter’s murder in the 2018 Parkland school shooting, went from arguing with each other on social media and television to engaging in meaningful dialogue. The “Two Dads” forged a friendship through patience and civil discourse, demonstrating how people from opposite ends of the political spectrum can find common ground on contentious issues such as gun safety.

Through respect and understanding, Walsh and Guttenberg successfully model how to engage in dialogue with a willingness to listen and learn to find common ground. As the 2024 election approaches, their story shows a way forward for civil discourse to make the democratic principle of disagreement possible.


This event took place in person + via zoom. Watch the recording of this event here.


How Free is Free Speech?

Wed, February 7, 7:00pm to 8:30pm

Perelman Center for Political Science and Economics
Room 250, The Forum

 Is it appropriate to prohibit speakers from speaking at a university based on the falsehood of their statements? Discussion with Professor Ian Lustick and the PPU, with intro remarks by Brian Doyle.


Intitutions' Role in Politics

Wed. November 29, 7:30pm
133 S. 36th Street, Room 250 (The Forum)
Food provided. No registration required.

Join FIRE staff and Penn faculty for a round table and panel discussion about if and when institutions should take a stand on political and social issues. Dinner provided.

Student/Faculty Roundtable - ChatGPT in the Classroom: Pros and Cons

Tue. October 17, 7:30pm
133 S. 36th Street, Room 250 (The Forum)
Food provided. No registration required.

JOIN MEMBERS OF THE PENN POLITICAL UNION and faculty members from throughout Penn as they discuss the problems, risks and benefits of allowing the use of ChatGPT in courses, followed by audience Q&A.

Town-Hall Debate: What To Do About the Southern Border?

JOIN THE FIVE CAUCUSES OF THE PENN POLITICAL UNION (PPU) in their first-ever town-hall style debate, where the audience has the opportunity to ask questions and go back and forth with the panel. Come with questions to grill our speakers on the topic,"What To Do About the Southern Border?"

Should the US Decrease Its Military Spending?

IN AN EVENT THAT WELCOME NEW and returning students alike, join the five caucuses of the Penn Political Union as they debate the resolution, "The U.S. Should Decrease Its Military Spending." Nearing $900 billion in recent years, the U.S. military budget not only dwarves that of many other federal agencies, but is far greater than the military outlays of any other nation. Given its unique role in ensuring global security and the increasing number of threats it faces, however, this level of spending may be anything but disproportionate. How should we balance urgent domestic priorities against the need for national defense and global stability?

2022-23 Events Archive

Will the Republicans Win in 2024?

JOIN THE FIVE CAUCUSES OF THE PENN POLITICAL UNION (PPU) for a debate on the resolution, "The Republican Party is the likely winner of the 2024 election cycle."

A Conversation with Political Strategist Brian Seitchik

JOIN THE FIVE CAUCUSES OF THE PENN POLITICAL UNION in welcoming national political strategist BRIAN SEITCHIK for a discussion on how to win political campaigns in the upcoming election cycles. Seitchik specializes in the nitty gritty of campaign management and strategy, paid media, earned media, social media development, qualitative and quantitative research, constructing campaign teams and fundraising. He has experience managing and consulting on Presidential (Trump campaign), Gubernatorial, and Congressional races in Florida, California, Ohio, Arizona and internationally. In addition, Brian served as Chief of Staff to former California Congressman Dan Lungren. Above all, he understands that campaigns must react swiftly to evolving circumstances and be nimble in adjusting their tone and emphases, making him a great guide to the politics of the moment (whatever your political leanings).

Debate 101: The Art of Persuasion

JOIN MEMBERS OF THE PENN POLITICAL UNION for a crash course on engaging in social and political debates to persuade others of your views (and perhaps be persuaded of theirs). There will be training in debate skills and a number of mini debates for practicing.

PPU Social Hour: Political Grill

JOIN THE FIVE CAUCUSES OF THE PENN POLITICAL UNION for a social hour featuring burgers from Shake Shack and HipCityVeg and – to be sure – some informal debates.

Should We Continue to Use Affirmative Action in College Admissions?

JOIN THE FIVE CAUCUSES OF THE PENN POLITICAL UNION (PPU) for a debate on the resolution, "American colleges should continue to use affirmative action in admissions."

The Future of Free Speech in America: Symposium

JOIN THE PENN POLITICAL UNION and Mitchell Center for a lunch and symposium on the future of free speech in America. The program includes a lunch; an Introduction by Professor JONATHAN ZIMMERMAN (Penn, Professor of History of Education); a panel with ALAN CHARLES KORS (Penn, Henry Charles Lea Professor Emeritus of History), ZACHARY GREENBERG (First Amendment Attorney,, and NATALIE MEBANE (Director of Policy and Finance, Zero Hour); and a student discussion.

Should American Sanctuary Cities Continue to Exist?

JOIN THE FIVE CAUCUSES OF THE PENN POLITICAL UNION (PPU) for a debate on the resolution, "American sanctuary cities should continue to exist."

Should the US Fund Sustainable Infrastructure Overseas?

JOIN THE FIVE CAUCUSES OF THE PENN POLITICAL UNION (PPU) for a debate on the resolution, "The United States should invest in foreign nations' sustainable infrastructure."

JOIN THE FIVE CAUCUSES of the Penn Political Union in informal conversation with the PPU Board and other PPU members.

Should the Power of the Presidency Be Increased?

Join the five caucuses of the Penn Political Union (PPU) for a debate on the resolution, "The power of the president should be increased."

Way Past Normal: American Politics in 2022 and Beyond (Jamelle Bouie)

THE ANDREA MITCHELL CENTER, THE SNF PAIDEIA PROGRAM, and THE GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS ASSOCIATION welcome New York Times columnist JAMELLE BOUIE. As the 2022 midterm elections approach, with political control in Washington hanging in the balance, the focus of most pundits has been on the immediate electoral battles underway. Well versed in the minutiae of American politics, Bouie has also kept the big picture firmly in view. In his colums, he has explored the anti-democratic features built into American governance; the clauses of the Constitution that have been variously under-used or over-interpreted; and the long histories of race and class politics that have led to this point. Rather than find our way back to "normal" American politics, he suggests that now is the time to consider deep structural changes and bold new ways of envisioning democracy.

2021-22 Events Archive

Should the U.S. Severely Restrict Gun Access?

Join the five caucuses of the Penn Political Union (PPU) for a debate on the resolution, "The U.S. Should Severely Restrict Gun Access."

A Conversation with John Bolton

Co-sponsored by the SNF Paideia Program Red & Blue Exchange

THE PENN POLITICAL UNION welcmes former U.N. Ambassador JOHN BOLTON. Bolton has managed to make himself controversial across the political spectrum with his advocacy of foreign intervention at a time when both parties, for different reasons, lean toward scaling back America's military engagements. A member of the Trump White House who had a very public falling out with the former president, he also has an important vantage point on upcoming elections. Join the five parties of the PPU in a lively discussion about a wide array of topics concerning both foreign policy and domestic politics.

Join the five caucuses of the Penn Political Union (PPU) for a debate on the resolution, "The Supreme Court of the United States Should Overturn Roe v. Wade."

Should We Forgive Student Loan Debt?

Join the five caucuses of the Penn Political Union (PPU) for a debate on the resolution, "President Biden should forgive up to $50,000 of student loan debt."

Should We Decriminalize Drugs?

Join the five caucuses of the Penn Political Union (PPU) for a debate on the resolution, "The benefits of drug decriminalization greatly outweigh the harms."

Would the Green New Deal Be a Bad Deal for America?

Join the five caucuses of the Penn Political Union (PPU) for a debate on the resolution, "Implementing a Green New Deal in the United States Would Be a Mistake."

Capitalism vs. Socialism (Yaron Brook and Richard Wolff)

View the video of the event here.

THE GLOBAL PANDEMIC AND THE VARIED RESPONSES among nations to the global economic crisis it sparked has served to intensify debates over economic self-governance. While the right argues that market economies proved resilient to the shocks dealt them, and indeed should be even freer to innovate in the face of new challenges, the left points to unprecedented government interventions that not only prevented economic collapse but even helped ease poverty. In this context, Rand Institute board member and radio host YARON BROOK and Marxian economist RICHARD WOLFF debate the merits and perils of capitalism and socialism as models for our economic future.

Presented by the Andrea Mitchell Center and the Penn Political Union. Co-sponsored by Penn Government and Politics Association, Penn Justice Democrats, Penn for Liberty, and University of Pennsylvania College Republicans.

The Future of Justice in America (Loretta Lynch)

THE PENN POLITICAL UNION IS PROUD to welcome former Attorney General LORETTA LYNCH as the inaugural guest speaker of its 2021-2022 series of debates and discussions. The first female African American Attorney General of the United States, appointed by President Barack Obama in 2015, Lynch also served as the head of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York twice, under both President Clinton and President Obama. As both a prosecutor and reformer, she has a deep knowledge of the criminal justice system and its shortcomings. She spent years in the trenches rising through the ranks as a prosecutor, aggressively fighting terrorism, financial fraud and cybercrime – all while vigorously defending civil and human rights. As arguments over elections, racial justice, policing, and free expression take center stage in American politics, there are few public figures better positioned to have a dialogue with the ideologically diverse members of the PPU.

Was Withdrawing from Afghanistan the Right Thing to Do?

Join the five caucuses of the Penn Political Union (PPU) for a debate on the resolution, "President Biden was right to withdraw troops from Afghanistan."


NEW (AND RETURNING) STUDENTS ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND a debate by the Penn Political Union, followed by a Q&A for those interested in joining as members. The PPU is unique among debating societies in encouraging participants to make heartfelt cases for policies they believe in to a politically diverse group of fellow students. Members can join one of five caucuses that span the political spectrum: Progressive, Liberal, Centrist, Conservative, and Libertarian. They can then take active roles in formal debates on important policy problems. At a time of political polarization and social-media bubbles, it is an opportunity to hone and challenge one’s own opinions, as well as make friendships “across the aisle” and cultivate the practices of civil discourse. The PPU also welcomes prominent guest speakers throughout the year, whom members can question incisively from a variety of perspectives.

The debate topic will be on "Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Institutions."

2020-21 Events Archive

The Future of Energy Roundtable

AS THE U.S. AND THE WORLD GRAPPLE with the future of energy, they face a wide array of challenges and opportunities: growing populations, expanding consumer demand, deepening environmental and climate impacts; and, at the same time, new technologies both for generating cleaner energy and for more effectively extracting fossil fuels. Even as the Biden administration charts one path to the future, there are numerous alternatives.

Join the Penn Political Union (PPU) as it welcomes five experts in energy policy for a panel discussion and debate:

  • JAMES TAYLOR (The Heartland Institute)
  • KELLY FLANIGAN (PennEnvironment)
  • MARK NELSON (Radiant Energy Fund)
  • TODD LARSEN (Green America)
  • ZION LIGHTS (Environmental Progress)

Democracy and Its Enemies in the World Today (Nadya Tolokonnikova)

View a video of the event here.

JOIN THE PENN POLITICAL UNION and the Mitchell Center for a conversation with Pussy Riot co-founder NADYA TOLOKONNIKOVA, who “was sent to prison for two years just for singing a song,” as she recounted in a recent New York Times op-ed. Undaunted, she has continued her pro-democracy activism. At the PPU, she will share her personal experiences under a repressive regime, but will also offer a broad perspective on authoritarianism as an advancing global phenomenon – and the ways that everyday citizens might oppose it.

The Penn Political Union (PPU) is an undergraduate organization that features parliamentary-style deliberation on urgent contemporary issues. To represent a wide spectrum of political opinion, students affiliate with five member political parties: Libertarian, Conservative, Centrist, Liberal, and Progressive. The goal of PPU, in both debates and less formal discussions, is to fully represent political diversity while maintaining civility and openness to other outlooks.

NADYA TOLOKONNIKOVA is a conceptual artist and political activist from Russia. She is a founding member of the art collective Pussy Riot, focusing attention on feminism, LGBT rights and human rights violations at home and abroad. In August 2012, she was sentenced to 2 years’ imprisonment following an anti-Putin performance by Pussy Riot in Moscow’s Cathedral of Christ the Saviour. This protest attracted international media attention and support from the likes of Peter Gabriel, Sir Paul McCartney, Madonna, Bjork and Aung San Suu Kyi. Shortly after her release in December 2013, she announced the opening of an independent news service and media outlet, MediaZona, which reports on the Russia’s courts, law enforcement and prison system. She has spoken before the US Congress, British Parliament, and European Parliament.

Countdown to Election "Day": A Bipartisan Roundtable

View a video of the event here.

JOIN THE PENN POLITICAL UNION, with support from The Andrea Mitchell Center and the Penn Government and Politics Association, for its final 2020 elections event. With one week to go, we will be speaking with various political leaders, journalists, and party officials to discuss the state of the presidential race, down-ballot races, and the role of Pennsylvania this November and going forward. Audience members will be able to submit questions to the panelists.

Confirmed panelists include:

  • CHRISTINE FLOWERS, conservative commentator and former Philadelphia Inquirer contributor;
  • ERIC ORTS, the Guardsmark Professor at the Wharton School;
  • ED RENDELL, the 96th Mayor pf Philadelphia and 45th Govenor of Pennsylvania; and
  • MICHAEL SMERCONISH, host of The Michael Smerconish Program on SiriusXM, host of CNN's Smerconish and Contributor, and newspaper columnist and best-selling author.

Media Sensationalism in 2020: A Conversation with Tara Setmayer

View a video of the event here.

IN THE CURRENT POLITICAL CLIMATE, discussions of the media have often boiled down to a matter of truth vs. deceit and fake vs. real. Even within the bounds of truth, however, the media has a wide latitude to emphasize or ignore stories based on their emotional appeal to sought-after audiences. In a discussion with CNN Political Commentator and Lincoln Project Senior Advisor TARA SETMAYER, members of the Penn Political Union explore the role of “media sensationalism” in setting the political agenda and unleashing partisan passions during the Trump presidency, the COVID-19 pandemic, the summer of Black Lives Matter protests, and the long electoral season leading up to November 2020.

TARA SETMAYER is currently a CNN Political Commentator, Contributor to ABC News and former GOP Communications Director on Capitol Hill. She has appeared on ABC's The View, ABC's Good Morning America, and on HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher. Setmayer was named as a Harvard Institute of Politics Spring 2020 Resident Fellow. She has joined The Lincoln Project as a Senior Advisor. In 2017, Setmayer was named as a board director for Stand Up Republic, a non profit organization formed in the wake of the 2016 election of Donald Trump to unite Americans behind the defense of democratic norms, ideals and institutions.

2019-20 Events Archive

Should We Abolish the Electoral College?

JOIN THE PENN POLITICAL UNION as its five political parties debate the resolution, “The United States Should Abolish the Electoral College.”

Are Trump's Immigration Policies Racist? (Guest: Jamelle Bouie)

JOIN THE PENN POLITICAL UNION as its five political parties and guest Jamelle Bouie debate the resolution, “The Trump Administration's immigration policies are rooted in racist ideology.”

JAMELLE BOUIE, based in Charlottesville, Virginia and Washington D.C., is a columnist for the New York Times and political analyst for CBS News. He covers campaigns, elections, national affairs, and culture. Prior to the Times, he was chief political correspondent for Slate magazine. And before that, he was a staff writer at The Daily Beast and held fellowships at The American Prospect and The Nation magazine.

JOIN THE PENN POLITICAL UNION as its five political parties and guest Jeb Bush debate the resolution, “The United States should adopt a merit-based immigration system.”

JEB BUSH served as the 43rd Governor of Florida and ran as a Republican presidential candidate in 2016. He is a University of Pennsylvania Presidential Professor of Practice.

Should the US Government Provide Full Employment? (Guest: Dustin Guastella)

Join the five parties of the Penn Political Union and guest debater Dustin Guastella (Philadelphia DSA) for an impassioned debate as they consider the following resolution: "The government should provide a job to all citizens who seek employment."

Should the US Support the Hong Kong Protesters?

Join the five parties of the Penn Political Union for an impassioned debate as they consider the following resolution:
"The US should lend political and economic support to the Hong Kong protesters." Welcome to the start of a new semester and a great year for the Union filled with fiery debate, interesting speakers, and new perspectives.

WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BECOME A POLITICIAN? How do you induce effective political change? Learn the tips, tools, and tricks-of-the-trade at this master class; a must-go for any Penn student interested in someday running for office. The Penn Political Union and the Andrea Mitchell Center for the Study of Democracy would like to welcome Representative Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA 6th District) as she teaches a master class on politics at the University of Pennsylvania.

U.S. Rep. Chrissy Houlahan is the representative for Pennsylvania's 6th congressional district, located in the suburbs of Philadelphia. A politician, engineer, businesswoman, teacher, and former United States Air Force officer, she has dedicated her life to serving the United States of America. She currently serves on the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and the Committee on Small Businesses.

2018-19 Events Archive

Should We Continue to Use Race-Based Affirmative Action in College Admissions?

Join the five parties of the Penn Political Union for an impassioned debate as they consider the following resolution:
"Race-based affirmative action should be continued in the college admissions process."

Philadelphia City Council Candidate Town Hall

View a video of the event here.

JOIN THE ANDREA MITCHELL CENTER, Penn Government and Politics Association, Penn Political Union, UPenn College Republicans, and Penn Democrats for a non-partisan Town Hall with candidates running for Philadelphia City-Council At-Large positions. This is an unparalleled opportunity to directly engage with local candidates and decide who to vote for in the primary election on May 21st and the general election on November 5th.

Join the five parties of the Penn Political Union for an impassioned debate as they consider the following resolution:
“The US Federal Government should implement a 70% top marginal tax rate."

America and Its Role in the World (Tom Ridge, Wesley Clark)


PLEASE JOIN THE FIVE POLITICAL PARTIES of The Penn Political Union to welcome former supreme allied commander of NATO, General WESLEY CLARK, and former Secretary of Homeland Security and Governor of Pennsylvania TOM RIDGE in a conversation moderated by esteemed journalist JESSICA YELLIN. Drawing on decades of valuable political and national security experience, General Clark and Secretary Ridge will discuss and debate the current trajectory of the United States’ role in the world, followed by questions from the audience.

Has America Been a Net Harm to the World?

Join the five parties of the Penn Political Union and guest speaker George Ciccariello-Maher (author of We Created ChavezBuilding the Commune, and Decolonizing Dialectics) for an impassioned debate as they consider the following resolution: "The United States has had an overall negative impact on the world."

Join the five parties of the Penn Political Union for an impassioned debate as they consider the following resolution: "The federal government should abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)."

The Health of American Democracy Today (Jeb Bush)


PLEASE JOIN THE FIVE POLITICAL PARTIES of The Penn Political Union to welcome former Florida Governor and presidential candidate JEB BUSH in a wide-ranging discussion about American democracy in the current era.

Should the Federal Government Cease Funding Clinics that Provide Abortions?

Join the five parties of the Penn Political Union for an impassioned debate as they consider the following resolution: "The federal government should cease all funding to healthcare clinics that provide abortions."

2017-2018 Events Archive

Is School Choice the Best Path for Education Reform?

With featured guest David Boaz

JOIN THE PENN POLITICAL UNION and guest debater DAVID BOAZ (Cato Institute) as its five political parties debate the resolution, U.S. states should enact education reform centered around school choice.”

Should Whistleblowers Be Prosecuted for Leaking State Secrets?

JOIN THE PENN POLITICAL UNION as we debate the following resolution, "The benefits of leaking classified information to the media outweigh the costs."

Is the Political Atmosphere at Penn Hostile to Free Speech?

JOIN THE PENN POLITICAL UNION as its five political parties debate the resolution, “The political atmosphere at Penn and other similar institutions is hostile to the free exchange of ideas.”

Would Increased Regulation of Firearms Prevent Mass Shootings?

With featured guest John Lott

Join the Penn Political Union and guest JOHN LOTT (The Crime Prevention Research Center) as they debate the resolution, “In order to prevent mass public shootings, the United States should more heavily regulate firearm ownership.”

Is the Media to Blame for the Climate of Polarization?

With featured guest Michael Smerconish
Watch coverage of the event on Smerconish's CNN show here.

IN THE FIRST OF AN ONGOING SERIES, the Mitchell Center and the Penn Political Union present journalist Michael Smerconish to get a debate started over the role of the media in the political polarization of the America.

Should the U.S. Use Military Power to Prevent North Korea from Nuclearizing?

JOIN THE PENN POLITICAL UNION as we debate the following resolution:  "The United States of America cannot allow North Korea to develop a nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), even if that means taking military action.”