Penn Calendar Penn A-Z School of Arts and Sciences University of Pennsylvania

Other Ideals? The Future of Democracy

The series aims to explore democratic paradigms that are alternatives to the conventional liberal-democratic model. Such alternative paradigms include: anarchism, socialism, social democracy, “Chinese” models of democracy, and forms of indigenous politics. Also included are approaches that emphasize the possible need to abandon liberal democracy so as to successfully confront climate change if not other looming disasters. The overarching idea of the series is to respond to the growing criticism leveled in recent years against liberal democracy (that it is ineffective, hypocritical, insufficiently emancipatory, etc.) by exploring some of the most compelling—or provocative—theoretical alternatives. Perhaps the series will lead to new appreciation for alternative democratic paradigms. Or, perhaps, the result will be renewed appreciation for the liberal-democratic model. Either way, the series aims to take seriously ideals that are adjacent—if not more aggressively opposed—to liberal democracy.


Past Events:


Climate Change as a Challenge to Liberal Democracy

Scandinavian Social Democracy as an Alternative to Liberal Democracy?


Anarchism as an Alternative to Liberal Democracy?

Of the People, for the People, but not By the People -- Confucian Meritoricracy as a Correction of Democracy, with Tongdong Bai


Indigenous Worldviews of Political Participation

Socialism as an Alternative to Liberal Democracy