Penn Calendar Penn A-Z School of Arts and Sciences University of Pennsylvania


Dec 7, 2021

In the Penn Political Union's November 17 debate, the resolution, "The benefits of drug decriminalization greatly outweigh the harms," was carried by a 9-4 vote of the audience. The debaters arguing for the resolution were Ara Patvakanian (Libertarian Caucus member), Jacob Isaac (Progressive Caucus member), and Daniel Lien (Progressive Caucus member).

Dec 3, 2021

Read the DP article on the event here.

The panel was aimed at helping students approach pubic sector internships. Kaitlyn has published a book on the topic, The Public Sector Pivot: How Gen Z Will Lead a Renaissance in Public Service.

Nov 8, 2021

As an intern with ACLU-WV, NIKKI ZINZUWADIA helped spearhead research establishing a health crisis in West Virginia jails.