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"The Changing Terrain of Religious Freedom," edited by Heather Sharkey and Mitchell Center Director Jeffrey Green, Featured on Canopy Forum

Friday, March 4, 2022 - 1:15pm

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The Changing Terrain of Religious Freedom, an edited volume based on the Mitchell Center's "States of Religious Freedom" Series (2017-18), has been featured in Canopy Forum's "Literature Highlights" section. Canopy Forum, based at Emory University's Center for Law and Religion, seeks to produce expert analysis for a broad community citizens, scholars, lawyers, clergy, journalists, policy makers, and more. The editors of the volume, Heather Sharkey, Professor and Chair of Penn's Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, and Mitchell Center Director Jeffrey Green, offer an overview of the essays and the problems they grapple with. They write, "We offer theoretical, historical, and jurisprudential perspectives on religious freedom, while examining what it may entail as an experience, value, and right. We start from the premise that the terrain of religious freedom has never been easy and smooth." The volume is available from Penn Press here.