Perry World House, 3803 Locust Walk
Read an essay by TREBOR SCHOLZ here.
Read an essay by JULIET SCHOR here.
A panel discussion with TREBOR SCHOLZ (New School) and JULIET SCHOR (Boston College), moderated by BENJAMIN SHESTAKOFSKY (University of Pennsylvania).
WHEN SPEAKING OF COMPANIES SUCH AS UBER AND LYFT, commentators often use the terms “sharing economy” and “gig economy” interchangeably, even though they point to diametrically opposed visions of economic life. It raises the question of exactly when, and how, the idea of using the internet to share resources outside of market channels became the practice of employing – and often exploiting – informal workers as a way to sidestep regulated markets. Our panelists address the realities of today, but also the very real possibilities of transforming labor and consumption in the future.