Perry World House, World Forum
3803 Locust Walk Map/Access
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THE PENN POLITICAL UNION IS PROUD to welcome former Attorney General LORETTA LYNCH for the inaugural event of its 2021-2022 series of debates and discussions. The first female African American Attorney General of the United States, appointed by President Barack Obama in 2015, Lynch also served as the head of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York twice, under both President Clinton and President Obama. As both a prosecutor and reformer, she has a deep knowledge of the criminal justice system and its shortcomings. She spent years in the trenches rising through the ranks as a prosecutor, aggressively fighting terrorism, financial fraud and cybercrime – all while vigorously defending civil and human rights. As arguments over elections, racial justice, policing, and free expression take center stage in American politics, there are few public figures better positioned to have a dialogue with the ideologically diverse members of the PPU.