Online event: Please register here.
AS THE U.S. AND THE WORLD GRAPPLE with the future of energy, they face a wide array of challenges and opportunities: growing populations, expanding consumer demand, deepening environmental and climate impacts; and, at the same time, new technologies both for generating cleaner energy and for more effectively extracting fossil fuels. Even as the Biden administration charts one path to the future, there are numerous alternatives.
Join the Penn Political Union (PPU) as it welcomes five experts in energy policy for a panel discussion and debate:
- JAMES TAYLOR (The Heartland Institute)
- KELLY FLANIGAN (PennEnvironment)
- MARK NELSON (Radiant Energy Fund)
- TODD LARSEN (Green America)
- ZION LIGHTS (Environmental Progress)
Questions from the five parties of the political union will be followed by Q&A from the audience.
THE PENN POLITICAL UNION (PPU) is an undergraduate organization formed in 2014 that features parliamentary-style deliberation on urgent contemporary issues. To represent a wide spectrum of political opinion, students affiliate with five member political parties: Libertarian, Conservative, Centrist, Liberal, and Progressive. The goal of PPU, in both debates and less formal discussions, is to fully represent political diversity while maintaining civility and openness to other outlooks.