Penn Calendar Penn A-Z School of Arts and Sciences University of Pennsylvania

Democracy in Armenia: Historical and Contemporary Challenges in the Post Soviet Periphery

Friday, September 13, 2024 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm

PCPSE Room 250 (The Forum)

Join the University of Southern California's Professor Richard Edward Antaramian for a conversation about democracy in Armenia, and the various pressures on the democratic process that exist in post-Soviet states. Heis joined by Penn's Dr. Rafael Khachaturian.

Richard Antaramian is Assistant Professor of History at the University of Southern California. His first book, Brokers of Faith, Brokers of Empire: Armenians and the Politics of Reform in the Ottoman Empire, was published in 2020 by Stanford University Press. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan and a BA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.