Penn Calendar Penn A-Z School of Arts and Sciences University of Pennsylvania

PPU Debate with Jeb Bush - Should We Adopt a Merit-Based Immigration System?

Tuesday, November 12, 2019 - 7:00pm to 8:00pm

Perry World House, 3803 Locust Walk
Open to Penn students, faculty, alumni, and affiliates with a valid PennCard

Co-sponsored by the Penn Government and Politics AssociationPi Sigma Alpha Political Science Honor Society, the Penn Wharton Public Policy Initiative, and Perry World House.

JOIN THE PENN POLITICAL UNION as its five political parties and guest Jeb Bush debate the resolution, “The United States should adopt a merit-based immigration system.”

THE PENN POLITICAL UNION (PPU) is an undergraduate organization formed in 2014 that features parliamentary-style deliberation on urgent contemporary issues. To represent a wide spectrum of political opinion, students are members of five different political parties: libertarian, conservative, independent, liberal, and progressive.

JEB BUSH served as the 43rd Governor of Florida and ran as a Republican presidential candidate in 2016. He is a University of Pennsylvania Presidential Professor of Practice.